Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church is a community committed to worship. We gather to praise the One who has given us all things, to hear God’s life-giving, life-guiding Word, and to share in that meal of grace which Christ Jesus offers to all. We understand worship to be something we ‘do’ rather than something we simply ‘observe’. Though the styles and formats of our worship vary, our shared commitment is to offer worship which is “Lutheran” in its theological perspectives. That means in worship we express and experience the truth that “We can’t do anything to make God love us any more – or any less – than God does right now!”
Our current worship schedule has a single all-congregation service at 9:30 a.m. Coffee fellowship will be served at 10:30 a.m. on the patio outside the sanctuary weather permitting.
Sometimes our worship service feels more ‘traditional’ — drawing on those many resources which are associated with “traditional Lutheran worship.” The orders of service we utilize are often chanted/sung, and the hymns selected are oftentimes numbered among the great traditional hymns of our Lutheran heritage. Our more traditional worship services are enhanced by the music of both the Canticle Choir and Shepherd’s Bells. (Bethany Valentine directs our Canticle Choir and Julie Hamre directs the Bells. Both Shepherd’s Bells and the Canticle Choir rehearse on Thursday evenings in the Sanctuary. The Choir meets at 6:00 p.m. and Bells meet at 7:00 p.m.
Sometimes our worship service feels more ‘relaxed’ — reminding us that worship need not be “traditional” to be ‘Lutheran’. Our less traditional worship services are augmented by the Acoustic Praise music of Spirit Borne, our music team committed to uplifting, spirit-filled and worshipful music. Spirit Borne (under the leadership of director Tom Henry and keyboardist Marc Levine) rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.